

conflicts. Reduce-reduce conflicts are considered really bad because there are multiple rules to reduce by at a given situation. Although fsyacc applies a disambiguation strategy (reducing by the grammar rule that was defined earlier), you should really avoid reduce-reduce conflicts as much as possible. Shift-reduce conflicts arise when the parser has the choice to shift a token or reduce by a rule. Unless you fix this conflict, fsyacc favors the shift action and defers the reduction to a later point, which in some situations (for instance, the dangling-else problem) yields the expected behavior, but in general any such conflict is also considered a serious problem.

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Now that the JDBC driver provides you a mechanism to eliminate the soft parses automatically through statement caching (discussed later), the session cursor cache is less relevant for JDBC applications. It can still be useful in the following situations: As a temporary fix for an application until you enable statement caching on it. As a workaround to reduce the impact of soft parses for a JDBC application, when you don t have access to the application s code (hence, it isn t feasible to enable statement caching in it). This is feasible since session cached cursors can be controlled at the session level or instance level. Let s next look at the session cursor cache in action.

You can generate the parsers and lexers by calling fslex and fsyacc: fslex kittyLexer.fsl fsyacc kittyParser.fsy This produces kittyLexer.fs and kittyParser.fs, which contain the implementations of the parser and lexer. You can test these using F# Interactive by loading the files directly using the #load directive. The following code creates a LexBuffer called lexbuf. It then calls the KittyParser.start entry point for the parser, passing KittyLexer.token as the lexical analysis engine and lexbuf as the LexBuffer. This connects the parser and the lexer. open KittyAst open KittyParser open KittyLexer let parseText text = let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string text try KittyParser.start KittyLexer.token lexbuf with e -> let pos = lexbuf.EndPos failwithf "Error near line %d, character %d\n" pos.Line pos.Column You can now test this function interactively: > let sample = "counter := 100; accum := 0; \n\ while counter do \n\ begin \n\ counter := counter - 1; \n\ accum := accum + counter \n\ end; \n\ print accum";; val sample : string > parseText sample;; val it : KittyAst.prog = Prog

Figure 3-9 A compilation error caused by an aspx file This is nice, but there are other interesting behaviors you get out of web applications because you don t need to compile For example, consider an application with two pages, one that works great (Defaultaspx) and one that won t compile (Default3aspx) Before you fix Default3aspx, you want to make a change to Defaultaspx and test it For example, you may add the following code to the page load of the Default page: protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { FindControl("form1")ControlsAdd(new LiteralControl("Hello")); } This code works fine When you compile, however, you still get the error previously listed (see Figure 3-9) because of the error in Default3aspx In VS .

You enable session cached cursors by setting the parameter session_cached_cursors to the size of cache that you need (the default value is 0). Here size denotes the number of cursors you want to cache. You can do this either at the system level using the init.ora parameter session_cached_cursors, or at the session level using the alter session command. The public method setSessionCachedCursors() in the utility class JDBCUtil shown in the following code sets the session cursor cache size equal to the int parameter passed to it: public static void setSessionCachedCursors ( Connection connection, int sessionCachedCursors ) throws SQLException { String stmtStr = "alter session set session_cached_cursors=" + sessionCachedCursors ; Statement stmt = null; try { stmt = connection.createStatement();

[Assign ("counter",Int 100); Assign ("accum",Int 0); While (Val "counter", Seq [Assign ("counter",Minus (Val "counter",Int 1)); Assign ("accum",Plus (Val "accum",Val "counter"))]); Print Val "accum"] Writing an evaluator for Kitty is straightforward Here we utilize an environment that maps variable names to the integer values they store As you expect, assignments in the source language add a binding for a given variable, and evaluating variables reads a value from this environment Because of the lack of other types in Kitty, we use a nonzero value for the Boolean true and zero for false and wire the logic of the conditional and looping construct accordingly: let rec evalE (env: Map<string, int>) = function | Val v -> if envContainsKey v then env.

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